Hello! My name is Qingcheng Zeng (曾庆诚), and I also go by Steve. Currently, I am a third-year PhD student affiliated with Computation and Linguistic Mechanisms Lab and Reliable, Efficient, and Autonomous Learning (REAL) Lab at Northwestern University, working with Professor Rob Voigt and Professor Kaize Ding on Large Language Models, Computational Linguistics, and Computational Social Science.
Recently, I am mainly interested in the following research areas:
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Northwestern University, 2022-Present
PhD in Computational Linguistics, Advisor: Professor Rob Voigt, Professor Kaize Ding
University of Manchester, 2019-2021
BA (Hons) in Linguistics
Zhejiang University, 2017-2021
BA in English Language and Literature
Check my [CV] or [Google Scholar] for my most recent publications.
When I am not doing computational linguistics and NLP, I enjoy jogging, cooking Chinese food, and playing guitar.